В мае месяце состоится EME DXpedition DL1YMK в Уругвай
Каждый год Michael радует нас своими интересными лунными экспедициями. В этом году - с 01 по 12 мая он будет активен ЕМЕ из Уругвая на диапазонах 70-23-13см позывным CX/DL1YMK : Hi gang, just to let you know that everything is settled now for this year's EME DXpedition. Monika & myself will be operating from the 1st of May to the 12th of May from Uruguay using the callsign DL1YMK/CX, as licensed by the Uruguayan telecom authority URSEC. We have been struggling for nearly a year to get a fully legal high power permit for operating from CX on 70 cm, 23 cm and 13 cm moon bounce. As to our knowledge, CX has never been on the moon on these bands so far. The DXpedition only became feasible by the extremely constructive and effective help of two local hams, which is even more appreciated by us knowing the 'normal' power limit to be 50W on UHF & up. To make things even more complicated, on 13cm there is no regular ham radio frequency allocation in CX to be congruent with IARU-regions 1 & 2, but by courtesy of URSEC we got a unique permit to transmit on 2320 and on 2304 MHz. Unfortunately, URSEC refused a 9 cm operation because of mobile communication service, though. Our stay time wise covers the European WW EME-contest (10th/11th of May), as well as an ATP on 70 cm (4th of May), so we will try to be on those bands in time, conditions permitting, of course.....so keep your fingers crossed. For those interested a sked list will be handled again by Joe, K1RQG, as he kindly did for us in previous year's DXpeditions. I will provide a time frame to Joe within next week, indicating the planned slots of activation for each band. Please keep in mind that CX-land is at 30 degr South, so Mother Nature will confine our moon window to a certain extent (which is good for our touristic activities, hi). Hope that everything proceeds smoothly (still some problems to master with rig airlift...), so we can work many of you from CX. 73/88 de Monika & Michael |