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Бета-релиз программы WSJT 9

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Написал Дмитрий RA3AQ   
Четверг, 09 Сентябрь 2010
To: Users of WSJT
From: Joe Taylor, K1JT

A beta release of WSJT 9.0 is now available for free download on the
WSJT Home Page. Briefly stated, WSJT 9.0 offers:

1. A new mode called ISCAT, which replaces JT6M
2. EME Echo mode
3. Enhanced features and performance for FSK441
4. Optional T/R period of 15 s for FSK441 and ISCAT
5. Enhanced user-editable message templates for FSK441 and ISCAT
6. Calculation of EME Doppler spread caused by lunar librations
7. Some simplification and clarification of the user interface.

More details can be found in the "WSJT 9.0 Supplement to User's Guide",
available at


A full WSJT 9.0 User's Guide is in the works, but not yet available.

Go here http://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjt.html to find
the WSJT 9.0 download link.

After gaining some experience with the beta release of WSJT 9.0,
please share your views and opinions about it! Of course, bug reports
are also welcome.

     -- 73, Joe, K1JT
Последнее обновление ( Четверг, 09 Сентябрь 2010 )

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